Searching an effective way to remove Senuti for Mac from your computer? Get confused when failed in removal? Don’t worry, this page will provide two ways help you out of troubles, just keep reading.
Usual Way to Uninstall Senuti for Mac
Use Trash to remove Senuti for Mac, drag its icon into Trash form Dock or in the Application>>Finder .
Delete its associated files remained in hard drive of your computer:
Click Go icon in menu bar>> Select Go to Folder...>> Enter the path ~/Library>>Find the files in /Library/Preferences/, ~/Library/Application Support/ and ~/Library/Caches/ under the name of Senuti>> Delete all the target files you found>> Empty the Trash to complete remove.
Be care: Don’t make mistakes in deleting the leftovers of finding the associated folders, if you have missed one, the removal is not complete; if you have wrong deleting one, some troubles will occurred in your other applications or your system.
Third Party to Uninstall Senuti for Mac
Step 1: open the Osx Uninstaller, locate the target icon (Senuti) in the interface, and then click the “Run Analysis” button.
Step 2: Easily click “Complete Uninstall” button in the left, in this step, the tool will delete all the leftovers that were scanned in the step 2.
Click Yes in the popup window to confirm your removal.
Step 3: Congratulations! The removal is done: you have removed Senuti for Mac from your computer successfully.
The whole removal of uninstalling Senuti is finished in a few seconds, and a stack of its leftovers are together gone, too. You don’t need to delete them by hands, therefore, to perfectly avoid the problems it may cause than using manual method.
Now you should know which way you will choose to better remove Senuti for Mac, click the link to get more details about that.
Published by: RefreshingCities Editor